Saturday, March 22, 2008

Zatirka (Potato Soup)

A few years ago, I suddenly got all ancestral and started to miss my heritage cooking. I hadn't had Zatirka since I was a kid, so dutifully called MOM to ask for the recipe. I must say, it tasted pretty darned good.

2 1/2 c. diced potatoes
2 c. water
2 c. flour
2 c. milk
small onion, chopped
2-3 slices of bacon, cooked crisp and crumbled (if desired)

In 2 cups of water, boil diced potatoes for about 7 mins. (they should not be cooked through), salt to taste. In a small pan, fry the onions.

Make dough: in small bowl, mix 2 c. flour with just enough water to make a pliable dough.

When potoates are mostly cooked, pinch off little nuggets of dough and place into the soup, Add fried onions and bacon (if using), cook until potatoes and dough are done. Add 2 cups of milk, salt and pepper to taste, heat through and serve.


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